Coffee" Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa is certainly one of the most popular paintings ever seen before by humankind. It leaves its mark -
a lot of freelancers make their copies and remakes of the famous painting Leonardlo Da Vinci.

This mosaic is interesting to us in the first place that is created from the 3604 cups of coffee.

Michael Jackson of pills Painting King of Pop music is created from hundreds of capsules of a drug prescription. It seems to me the creator of mosaics Jason Meiser chose the pill is not surprising, as it is known that in recent years, Jackson is firmly sitting on medications. But the portrait of Jackson - is not the only work of Jason, he quietly makes a similar mosaic of inexpensive materials that exist in any home - beans, noodles, yarn and candy.
Michael Jordan in the form of mosaics of bottles of unusual mosaic which shows a great basketball player Michael Jordan, set out bottles of your favorite athletes drink Gatorade, with partly to build a mosaic using Gatorade Limited Edition Jordan Series - spetsversiyu drink vypushennogo limited edition on the day honoring Hall of Fame Jordan in Chicago, USA. Collect mosaic of 19000 bottles helped longtime teammate Scottie Pippen Michael.
mosaic of the bottles
Paintings, mosaics of pencils from Christian Faure Take a few thousand multi-colored wax pencils, thoroughly mixed and get ... incredibly realistic picture! That is making his unusual mosaic Christian Faur. Unfortunately do not know how long it takes the creation of such a masterpiece, but I'm sure a couple of evenings just can not manage.
Snow White from Snow White's apple image of Disney cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" even familiar to those who are not watching this cartoon. Not much is not enough, six scenes from the famous cartoon was recreated by artist Prudence Staten, which specializes in food-arte, ie and pictures of foods. For the artist chose Snow White Apples, and it took the entire 14 different varieties of apples.

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