Carved Pumpkins for Halloween 2011
Carved pumpkins - it's the best part of Halloween celebrations. In this time of year everyone loves to cut out a pumpkin, it's really fun because it gets scary or different pretty faces. Carved pumpkins in the U.S. were first associated with the end of the harvest, before they became an emblem of Halloween. Chose this vegetable because jack-o'-lantern is similar to the strange lights flickering in peat bogs.

Bottle Cap Jewelry

Creativity from Books

Videogames Of The Present And Of The Past
New technologies are developing really fast. Games are changing from year to year. This compilation is about games of the past and games of the present. The difference is very noticeable.
Mortal Kombat VS. Soul Caliber 5

Portraits on Biscuits
Great gift - cookies in the form of your face!Such products can give your friends, if you do not dare eat his picture:

Stylish Valenoks

10 Wealthiest heads of State of the World
They say that to be the head of any organization - it is hard work, but the pay is worth it. How do we demonstrate these super-rich rulers from around the world - the same is true of governments. Who said that working in the public sector have to be paid poorly? 10. Sebastian Pineiro (2.4 billion dollars)
Incredibly rich, but strangely robotic Pineyra Sebastian is in last place in our list of billionaires, with a "modest" 2.4 billion dollars in his pocket. The head of state before participated in the management of several large companies - "Chili Apple" TV "ChiliVizhn" (100% of the shares which he owned), and "The Chilean airline" - investments in the latest and defined much of his future earnings. In 2010, he graduated to become the Executive Director of an entire nation, even after he was elected its president, and in the same year the economy grew by 5.2% - possible evidence that the ability to make money also extends to the political arena? Chile's "number one" at this point is also on the 488 position in the list of billionaires, "Forbes." If only all of his money to do something to make it less like the Terminator. 9. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (2.4 billion dollars) Sheikh Hamad initially came to power, shifting from the throne of his father, in a bloodless palace coup in 1995. The Emir of Qatar represents his country during state visits and is responsible for the coordination of its development in the field of oil and natural gas. The results clearly visible on its 2.4 billion bank account. Militaristic minded emir, who studied in English Sendherstskoy Military Academy, he first served as defense minister of his country, and held this post in a program of intensive modernization of the Qatari Armed Forces. And he has three wives and 24 children. Fortunately, he has enough money to pay for child care workers! 8. Mohammed VI (2.5 billion dollars)

Armour for Cats and Mice

Zombie Parade in Tallinn
In Tallinn, has passed a parade of zombies.People wandered in terrible makeup of the city and threatened its kind passers-by.Another post about the living dead:

Unique Temporary Tattoos
Do temporary tattoos are a big plus - they are short-lived.If the pattern you are tired, it's very easy to remove.

Unusual Footwear Celebrities
What kind of shoes prefer to wear a star? Let's see.

Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2012
 Charming collection of Marc Jacobs, representing the fashion house Louis Vuitton in Paris Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2012.

How the Rifle Evolved Through Years
For all of you gun lovers.

Jolie takes new UN role

by a | 8:35 AM in , |

Jolie takes new UN role
Jolie takes new UN role, She has been a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees for over ten years and during that time she has brought up her brood and made some killer hit films.

But it appears that Angelina Jolie,36, just can't say no to taking on new projects and is set to take on a new role in the refugee crises. It appears that the mother-of-six will now take become a Special Representative and will work with governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran on the refugee issue. Jolie takes new UN role,

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