Creative illustration

Decorate Road Hatches
A great way to decorate your little town find the resourceful Japanese.They make the original road manholes, which are pleasing to the eye of passersby.It is definitely better than the boring metal door with the inscription "Heating network."

Plastic Bottles Artists
Of waste found in containers close to the shopping centers in Montreal, artists and collectives Roadsworth PROJEKROOM constructed urban garden. Plastic bottles, bubble wrap, coat hangers, cardboard and other trash upgraded into a pond, trees, water lilies and various creatures. Fragile installation placed in the Eaton Centre. Such installation artists wanted to remind how fragile our ecosystem.

Celebrity Dogs
Celebrity Dogs, Even dog owners who live the fabulous life have to endure such un-glam trials as chewed-up stilettos, doggie breath and house training. Try to guess which stars are happily humbled by these beloved hounds.

Priests Mops Fight
In the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Israel) 28 December there was a fight between Armenians and representatives of the Orthodox clergy.

Creative Furniture
No weather will not interfere with the table - although a blizzard, though rain - on the table is always fresh lawn ready for a picnic!

Children of the Famous
Children of the famous, Babies born to celebrity parents in 2011, These kids are cute! Scroll through to see if you know each child’s famous mom and dad. 2011 was a big year for Liams, Emmas and Olivias, but most of these kids were given a name far more unique.

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